Plazma Burst 2
category: adventure
total played: 119100

Description and Control

The player takes on the role of a Marine, which didn't get sent to past in time to change the history to a better life. In Plazma Burst: Forward to the past, after when our hero's ally was critically damaged in the previous game the marine travels back to the Earth to try traveling back in time once again... Will fortune smile to him this time?

How to play: Basic Movement: Move: A and D, Jump: W, Duck: S, Abilities: Use: E, Time Warp: Z, Fall: X, Kinetic Module: C, Game/Multiplayer: Chat: Enter, Tab: Leader Table, Tab: Change Personage, Menu: Esc, Combat:, Aim and Fire: Mouse, Select Weapon: 0,1,2,3..., Drop Current Weapon: V, Grenade: G, Last Used Weapon: Q, Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up, Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down

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